Consumed- 2 café crème, 1 pizza pastry type croissant, 1 salami baguette with butter, 1 coca cola light, 2 servings of steak with yummy French sauce, 2 servings of frits, 1 ice cream with coconut and chocolate. - Yum yum!- a little sad I didn’t have a macaroon and no croque mesuers. I couldn’t possibly eat everything in Paris could I?

We went to Musee d'orsay- AMAZING. I wish we could have spent more time mulling around but the museum was packed. They have quite a collection of Van Gogh, Degas, Matisse, Monet, Rodin- and much much more. I think the painting that made the museum visit for me and I am going to be cliché and it's the self portrait of Vincent Van Gogh.
I have been to MOMA in New York and have seen Starry Night, and I was disappointed. The self portrait took my breath away because it made him look as creepy and eerie as I think he probably was. I think one of my favorite things about enjoying a painting is when I can change my mind about a painting or an artist- because I just get it.
Also something really neat, is that Paris is making some of the old into something , modern. This sculpture has been refitted with- yes a light saber. Pretty awesome. :)
Very cool! I know it is totally cliche to say Van Gogh is one of my favorite artists but he really is. So much expression in his art! Keep enjoying your trip!
Van Gogh's work is so much better in person. I ordered a couple of biography books from the library- I read the brief bio at the museum and thought his life was so interesting.
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