I think this is my favorite camera painting to date and usually my favorite vintage cameras are the minty or turquoise ones. Sometimes I change the color in the painting to make the still life a shade of blue or green but this time I wanted to keep that beautiful candy apple red. This is a vintage 1950's Imperial Mark XII with flash and I love collecting old cameras but never really used them. I have a DSLR camera, my Iphone and a mini Instax that I use but never really starting using actual film cameras. I know the mini Instax is technically film cameras but it's not really old. I recently picked up an big old Land Camera at an estate sale and I have the itch to take it out and give it a whirl. I don't think I have used actual film in an camera since maybe college, which seems like a long time ago. I remember my very first camera that my mom bought me it was one of those long skinny cameras in hot pink and I was totally embarrassed by it because all the other kids had square cameras. Can you tell I am a child of the 80's? I remember the first roll of film I took and it was pictures of feet and sidewalks. I always like taking photos while I was moving- not sure exactly why- but hey I was like 7 years old.
Do you use film camera?
Oil Painting on 8X8 wood board.
Want to see previous work for this show? Big400/Big 300/Big 200/Big 100
Details About the Art Show:
Date: December 14th- 2 p.m. and runs until January 21st.
Location: Peoples Art of Portland Gallery
700 SW Fifth (3rd floor) People's is Suite 4005, Portland, Oregon
There are over 400 artists participating in the 6th Annual Big 400 Show and all art is $50. It is a cash a carry show- which means you purchase the painting right then and there and you go home with the work.!
The combination of cheerful colors and nostalgic subject made a nice painting.
NO - no film ever again. Spent two weeks in Montana taking film photos for painting ref. Went back to CA and took film to shop for developing. They ruined every single shot. Not a single photo and they took no responsibility.
I have used film, but not any time recently... I love your painting, it has such a wonderful feeling to it!
So beautiful, your work just keeps getting better and better Erika.
i just recently started a vintage camera collection. and i am dying to shoot film. just waiting for the right camera body and lens i guess :)
Looks great! I don´t use film camera anymore. :-)
I love this one. I agree...your work seems to be getting better and better. I always say "never say never" because I used to say I'd never like patent leather and now two pairs of my favorite shoes are patent leather, BUT. I don't think I'll ever do film. We'll see... ;)
i love the colors in this painting!
I want all of your work on my walls, now. You're so talented and creative!
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