a pancake diet

I have a confession to make- I am slightly addicted to watching Top Chef and last night episode the challenge was to make Pee Wee Herman a delicious pancake.  I do love a good pancake. :) Just thinking about a mouth watering delicious.. ever so tasty pancake.. makes me just want to run down my stairs and head to the kitchen and make some.
I think what I love most about a pancake is the toppings- you can make it sweet or more savory. YUM! I made pancakes the other day- and my pancake of choice was banana with almonds.  How do you like your pancakes :)?  


Unknown said...

Crap, now I want a pancake too! I love me some old fashioned blueberry pancakes but I love twists as well. My mom always puts peanut butter on her pancakes and I have to admit it's pretty darn tasty!

Outcast said...

That second photo of pancakes makes them seem so appealing to me I seriously wish I could just eat that photo right now. This has put me in a serious mood for pancakes, I'm hungry now haha!

tinajo said...

I do love pancakes too - in Sweden we eat them mostly with jam and sometimes cream too. However, after being in America several times I´ve developed an addiction to maple syrup and fruit on them too - yum! :-)

My Bachelorette Pad said...

I made pancakes last week and now it's seriously all I can think about. If you look at my pinterest it's been like "pancakes... pancakes... ok I'll pin more pancakes."

Oh here's a fun and healthy tip... swap the milk for cottage cheese in the batter. Tastes delicious and gives you extra protein and less fat! What?! Amazing, I know!

Alexa said...

Oh my goodness...one of my favorite dishes. Love them buttery with blueberries! xo

Nikki said...

I love them too! But I didn't use to until I had martha stewarts blueberry buttermilk pancakes with orange honey butter. The butter was the key I swear. Google it!

mel said...

I am obsessed with pancakes. I do have a pinterest board just for pancakes and waffles.
The last batch I made were coconut, which were really tasty - more subtle than I expected, but tasty nonetheless. The all time fave is blueberry ;)

Rose Clearfield said...

I don't watch a lot of cooking shows, but I love to browse recipes online.

I love pancakes with button and honey. :)

Anonymous said...

who doesn't love pancakes!?

Anonymous said...

Yummo! Your pancakes look delicious!
I've always loved putting a squeeze of lemon juice and a sprinkle of sugar on mine.

Anonymous said...

Gotta get me some pancakes now!

Stephanie said...

I loved this week's episode. All those pancakes looked so good!

Fred Spratt said...

My stomach is now rumbling so much hahaha, i might just have to go and raid the fridge!!