Making Art Everyday in 2015 // Day 186

To make art on the road, I typically use a water color set because it is so easy to travel with. I usually leave my oil paints at home because they are way messier and spirits are hard to travel with.  I cracked today and found an art supply store and bought an oil painting kit. It's not my typical palette but it gets the job done and it makes me miss painting in my studio even more. 

We recently sold our house which included my studio and everything is all packed up for our next adventure. It makes me a little sad, that I don't really have a "home" or studio. I know this is supposed to be exciting but it's sort of terrifying.

It did make my day catching this bear sniffing a big hydrangea bush. :)

The art (the best part) is part of my making art everyday project and this is day 186. To read more about this awesome project click here.

1 comment

Erin said...

Moving is definitely terrifying. Hope it all goes well x

Erin | Being Erin