2017! That's a wrap!

I did it! I created an original piece of art every single day in 2017! WAHOO! It's been three whole years of showing up every day and sharing it with you. It has been nothing short of a whirlwind and a very spiritual art making experience. It gives me an immense amount of gratitude for the creative journey because it's extraordinary what one person can do when they truly and deeply listen to their truth. The power of creating something is one of the most rewarding journeys one can do and has filled my soul in more ways then I could have imagined.

I have a tendency to get overwhelmed with appreciation and even more gratitude because I have read every single note, message, email and comment. I started this project purely for selfish reasons because I wanted to keep being creative after the birth of my second child. It sounds like such a small request and gift for myself. Thank you! I plan on continuing into 2018 and I am even more excited to keep creating. I know I have a ton more growing to do and can't wait to see what the year brings.

The art (the best part) is part of my making art every day project and this is day 356. To read more about this awesome project click here

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