It's official! I AM DONE! It has been a tough 31 days of non stop painting madness but I am complete. You can check out all my paintings on my website .
Here is the official press release with a list of participating artists.
Portland's Affordable Art Extravaganza...
OM Tradition Arts
14 NE 10th Ave. (at E. Burnside)
Portland, OR
Aug. 1st, 2008
3-7pm Preview Show (no sales)
7pm-10pm Sale! (cash only)
3pm-9pm Silent Auction
"Hidden Gems" Show (come see what's left) Aug. 3rd, 6-8pm
On Aug. 1st, 2008, the follow-up show to last year's overwhelmingly successful "Thirty!" show will take place in central Portland. Appropriately named, "Thirty-one!", this one-night only show will feature thirty-one artists who have created thirty-one paintings in thirty-one days. Each of the 961 paintings will be unveiled and for sale for $31 each, alongside live music, a silent auction and, most likely, another crowd of eager art lovers.
The intention for this show is to connect groups of Portland artists, inspire new bodies of work, showcase emerging talent, provide affordable
artwork for the community, and raise money for arts organizations. Based on the time line, artists are encouraged to explore new territory, experiment, loosen up and have fun!
The proceeds from this art extravaganza will be donated to Artists for the Arts, whose mission is to ensure that the arts remain an integral part of education for children in
Portland Metro-area schools. AFTA raises funding and awareness through the collaborative efforts of artists, businesses, educators, organizations and the community.
Please visit http://www.thirtyshows.blogspot.com for complete show information and artists' profiles.
List of Participating artists:
Alisha Wessler, Anna Todaro, Brett Bowers, Carrie Hardison, Chris
Biegun, Chris Burtch, Cvita Mamic, Elizabeth Schuppe, Emily Katz, Erika
Lee Sears, Guenevere Schwien, Jamee Linton, Jennifer Mercede, Jeremy
Okai Davis, Julia Skerry, Kelly Neidiggity, Laura James, Lynn Yarne,
Marshall Leggett, Mark James Gunderson, Melissa Wenzel, Mike McGovern,
Randall David Tipton, Samantha Hodgson, Sarah Goodnough, Seth Neefus,
Tamara English, Terrence Gasca, Theresa Andreas-O'Leary, Will Bruno and
Zach Tobias.
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Just helping the cause. :)
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