This weekend has been a very busy weekend for me! Lots of painting and being creative. My homework for class this week was to paint a shoe. I decided to paint my favorite shoe- my black converse hanging over a chair in my kitchen. We could use whatever color palette we wanted but had to paint a shoe. I have been wearing converses since high school- which basically means FOREVER! So I knew instantly I had to paint my beloved converse. I used oil paint on wood with a number 4 Filbert brush.
I am still working on my cupcake painting for the love show and I hoping and praying that it's all done by this next week. I am probably am about 65-70% done but I really need to get focused and be productive. I always seem to reach a point in a painting that I get caught up in all the details when instead I need to just move forward... and that's were I am at with my cupcake painting.
Everyone have a great creative week. Can you believe it's already February!
No... I so can't believe it's Feb.
And I love your shoe painting. You have to hang it in your closet door. Bring the shoe gods to your closet. :)
I got love for the cons...
E-- Jack and sometimes wear matching converse. I still love them. This one made me smile :)
Why are shoes such fascinating subjects in art. They really do say a lot about the wearer and yet they sort of have their own identities.
Anyways. I LOVE the header for your blog. It reminds me of those sun prints you can make on the blue paper. Awesome!
I love the shoe! I really want a pair of green or white converse shoes...I need to do some shoe shopping! Glad you are enjoying your painting class, I love everything you have done!
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