From China :)

Consumed: Arugula pear salad, 2 pieces of Pizza, 1 starbuck, 2 diet cokes, strawberries and whipped cream (and I ate the whole stupid tub of whip cream.. whip cream is evil)

My friend's husband recently just got back from China and look what they brought me back! A Chinese brush set with my name carved on the little red stamp. Now I just have to figure out how to use it. If anyone has any tips, please let me know.

They also sent out an email of what he ate, which I thought was really unusual. :)

First let me tell you about last nights dinner. Mr Du took us out for dinner and we had a very traditional meal that included a jello salad with that contained scallions and salted fish, another jello that was made from blood and had some sort of skin and peanuts. We also enjoyed the luck three dish this included a turtle for luck, ox penis for fertility and garlic for health. Other dishes were orange soaked lotus root, beef ribs, pork with pepper, and some great mush room soup.

Funny huh? Just put it in Jello! My dogs are Chinese pugs and they tie right into my Chinese themed blog. Yes, I did have treat in my hand which is why they are sitting so perfectly.


Michelle Brunner said...

Your dogs are SO cute! My dog only sits like that for treats also.

I cannot fathom putting anything but fruit in jello...especially the jello with blood, skin and peanuts...yikes!

Have fun with your new brush set...also I agree that whip cream is evil. So evil! I like to freeze it and pretend it is ice cream good!

Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Whip Cream is horrible :( I can eat those whole tubs.

Makes you wonder what else to put in jello. My mother makes this scary thing with jello called Christmas surprise with red and green jello, whip cream, pineapple, and cream cheese.

:) Oh jello!