Top 5 Tips in finding time to be Creative

Before I quit my job- people would ask me, "How do you find the time to paint? Between work and coming home making dinner and relaxing.  I just don't have the time."  Well first of all my previous employment was pretty demanding during the busier parts of the year I was working 50-60 hour work weeks, and that was required.  This is just how I was able to find the time to paint every day and some tips that I discovered that worked for me.    

1.  How do I relax? Me personally one of my many addictions is television.  I love television.  Don't judge me!  :)  So I have my studio television on while I work.  I watch movies.. documentaries.. I have instant watch from Netflix hooked up.  Documentaries are educational right?
2.  How do I find time to hang out with my husband and be creative?  Tim also has his own side work that he is passionate about.  He makes iphone apps on the side.  We do dinner, take care of the dogs- and by 6 we are back at work.  When 930 rolls around, that's our time were we have wine, watch something and cuddle up on the couch with the dogs.
3.  Consciously saying to yourself that you are making it a priority.  Doing my art is what I do for myself.  So I did something about it.
4.  Think of a project or a goal.  Isn't work easier with a deadline? Probably because there is a beginning, middle, and an end.  My very first project when I wanted to start showing my work- was that I needed to have enough work for last Thursday on Alberta.  Last Thursday in the summer time, artists set up on the street and there is no charge.   
5.  Find a creative group.  2 years ago I found a small group that was reading "The Artist Way."  and to this day almost every Saturday we still meet up for coffee.  We talk about our creative week and we always say it's our weekly therapy session.  A great recourse to finding a group in your area is meetups.          


Cindy said...

these are great and do-able tips. i enjoy tv, too. always have, so i try to do things while i'm watching it cause it's not always worth watching. finding time for your guy is essential and good that you both are working on something, but realize you need to put them down and cuddle & rest your minds :).

Anonymous said...

I'd need the reverse advice: how to find time for the normal things. Being alone i can let the dishes in the sink, i can pile up dirty laundry etc etc...wich of course i don't like to do, but when you don't have a strict schedule and your creative is so easy to let yourself wander...

Tracey said...

I really love your tips ... I think it's a really great idea to 'watch' tv while you work ... I find it beneficial to have some background noise while I focus on something else, and it's also a great way to catch up on a few things at the same time.

I love documentaries too ... they TOTALLY count as educational! :)

Michelle Brunner said...

Love your tips! I am always trying to figure out ways to squeeze in art. Love your tv tip, I like to watch fun movies and shows while drawing in my sketchbook. It is very relaxing and I feel like I am being productive while doing something that is not so productive!