Becoming and being an artist is not and never easy. There are so many ups, downs and a ton of choices. I am constantly learning new things everyday but being an artist is more like climbing a never ending mountain. So here are some of my tips that will help you on your journey.
1. Wear black (at least when you make art). Artists wear black because you don't want the reflection of color on your art work. If you wear a bright red shirt, that red sheen will reflect onto your palette and canvas. Photographers know this trick too! Artists generally work in color and in order to keep the colors pure, it's the easiest tip to insure the color you have planned is the same on the canvas.
2. Upgrade your materials. Quality materials is important. I used to buy the cheapest paint. I did! It's actually sort of embarrassing because I thought the quality of my work would shine through the crappy materials. I have learned that you don't have to have the most expensive materials but quality is important. Also if you buy quality paint in generally lasts longer and you have to buy less of it. I think the biggest lesson is learning what to splurge on versus something a little less expensive.
3. Check your light and get a fluorescent light. If you paint in a dark room, you aren't going to be able to see what you are working on and your color isn't going to be accurate. Since I have a teeny tiny studio space, I use these bulbs. You want light that increases the light output because it will help create more a of a day light effect in your studio. It will help you see the color more pure. If you want a quick fix, by a pack of bulbs and a clamp light and hang it over the space you are working.
4. Have a dedicated art space. It doesn't have to be crazy, but it has to be your space to make everything you want to make with it. It can be a desk or even a corner of a room. You need a space that you can make and leave a mess.
The best decision I ever made before I quit my day job was to have a dedicated art space. I was making art on my kitchen table and Tim hated it. It drove him crazy constantly having all my art supplies everywhere. You need something that is yours and you deserve it.
5. I am just going to state the obvious. Practice. and practice until you don't want to practice anymore. Practice until you forget that your practicing. I feel like I am on this ever long quest in discovery and becoming better at my craft. It's amazing what you will learn about yourself and your art through practice and dedication.
If you take time out every single day even if it's 5 minutes for your craft. You are one step closer to your art. and what's 5 minutes of practice? anyone can do anything for 5 minutes. 5 minutes is the easy part.
Do you have any easy tips?
PS. I am also working on making art everyday in 2015 and this picture of my sketchbook is day 111. To read more about this project click here.
very inspiring... I, too,wants to learn new things by making art with my available time. And I make sure that every detail of my paintings was prayed for, the amazing feeling of creating an art with God, because He personally teaching me of what is wrong or the mistakes when I'm done with my painting.
>thanks for the tips!
very inspiring... I, too,wants to learn new things by making art with my available time. And I make sure that every detail of my paintings was prayed for, the amazing feeling of creating an art with God, because He personally teaching me of what is wrong or the mistakes when I'm done with my painting.
>thanks for the tips!
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