Making Art Everyday in 2015 // Day 178

I have been pretty quiet on the blogging front. I have been making art everyday, but it has been really hard. We are getting ready to embark on a new journey of selling our house and finding a new one.  I worked in real estate finance for a really long time before I quit my job to pursue art. I saw just about everything, the worst of the worst.  I saw everything go wrong and very rarely I saw everything go completely smoothly.

I have been waiting for something to go wrong. When a small thing doesn't go right. I have this over whelming  feeling, that everything is going wrong.

I'm really excited to get a new home, but I am terrified. The process freaks me out because I know it inside and out.  I had to pack up my studio this week and all that is life is a table and a few boxes. I miss my own art space.

I will continue to make art everyday, but maybe something awesome will come through my work. I guess I will have to see what happens.

The art (the best part) is part of my making art everyday project and this is day 178. To read more about this awesome project click here.

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